Spinal Compression Fractures (SCF) become more prevalent with age, particularly for women.
Pain from untreated SCF can lead to unremitting back and hip pain. With precision diagnostics and very effective non-surgical treatments, National Spine & Pain Centers can help resolve the painful health issues of SCF and prevent the effects of future fractures.
Contact National Spine & Pain Centers to schedule an appointment with an affiliated pain specialist for Spinal Compression Fractures treatment today.
The spine is formed by a bony, weight-bearing column of vertebrae. When young and healthy, these bones can withstand significant amounts of pressure, but aging bones lose density, gradually becoming more brittle and susceptible to fracture.
Spinal compression fractures occur when the bone structure becomes so weak the vertebra virtually collapses on itself, creating a wedge-like shape. When fractures occur in multiple vertebrae, the entire spinal column may shorten and curve, forming a stooped posture. As the spine becomes more compressed, lung capacity decreases, the abdomen may distend, and the rib cage puts pressure on the hips.
An estimated 25 to 30 percent of women over age 50 experience SCF, yet many mistakenly attribute the symptoms to arthritis. As a result, the condition often goes untreated, eventually impacting quality of life.
The most common cause of SCF is osteoporosis, a condition that results from the significant loss of bone mass due to aging. Although osteoporosis develops quietly, with few or no symptoms, it is easily detected through screenings and successfully treated with diet, exercise, and medications. Untreated, osteoporosis becomes a primary factor in SCF, weakening bones until simple actions such as lifting a bag of groceries or missing a step may cause a compression fracture. With severe osteoporosis, even coughing or sneezing may result in fractures.
Consequently, SCF shares many of the same risk factors as osteoporosis. Both are more common in women, Caucasians and Asians, and people with a family history of the condition. Other contributing factors may include hormone deficiency, smoking tobacco, excessive alcohol use, a lack of weight-bearing exercise, a diet deficient in calcium and vitamin D, and blunt trauma.
Proper diagnosis starts with an experienced pain management doctor. SCF can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms often mimic other common conditions such as arthritis, facet syndrome, or degenerative disc disease. Our board-certified pain specialists accurately detect SCF with a multi-faceted approach and precision diagnostics such as the following:
80% of adults will experience back pain in their lifetime. Take the FREE back pain risk assessment to understand your risk factors, and aid in preventing complications in the future.
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80% of adults will experience back pain in their lifetime. Take the FREE back pain risk assessment to understand your risk factors, and aid in preventing complications in the future.