Aurora Zip Fusion – New Technology to Relieve Chronic Back Pain
- Category: News & Events
New scientific innovations translate to potential medical treatments for people needing pain relief. That pain is very real for some 16 million adults who experience persistent or chronic back pain. Pain, which often limits everyday activities. That’s why affiliated pain specialists from The National Spine and Pain Centers are always looking for new treatment options to improve their patient’s quality of life.
If you experience back pain, it’s always best to consult with a health care professional. If your physician has diagnosed you with a condition referred to as degenerative disc disease with or without spinal instability, there is a new state of the art device created to correct back problems through a minimally invasive procedure which we are using here at the National Spine and Pain Centers.
Contact National Spine & Pain Centers to schedule an appointment with an affiliated pain specialist today.
Spinal Instability occurs when either you have injured your spine or you’ve had degenerative changes. Those issues may create structural changes, abnormal movement and abnormal load transfer within the spine. The affected area becomes weak, vulnerable and unstable which causes atypical movement in the spine. The rest of the spine overcompensates and carries the load. This can lead to pain because the spine is no longer doing the job it was intended to do. The pain often presents in the lower back with stiffness, spasms and even a feeling that it’s moving or unsecure. It’s damaging because the weakened area may compress the vertebrae, causing nerve pain.
To alleviate the condition, your pain management specialist may encourage you to modify your activity, take over the counter pain medication, try cortisone injections or physical therapy. If these treatments are not helping, the next option is surgery.
In the past, that typically meant a highly invasive back fusion surgery requiring a hospital stay and months of recuperation. But now, the new technology called the Aurora Zip fusion is making this surgical option a whole lot easier. The surgeon puts a small metal device, called the Aurora ZIP Interspinous Spacer, between the trouble spots, or where the vertebra in your spine is unsteady. The spacer corrects the troubled area allowing the spine to straighten and regain it’s stability by using a very unique locking mechanism.
The procedure itself is much easier for the patient than a traditional back fusion. The Aurora ZIP Lumbar fusion is considered a minimally invasive, out-patient procedure with recovery expected within a week.
The proof of its success is that patients are able to return to their daily routines with less pain and medications.
Could you benefit from this state-of-the-art treatment? If you are experiencing back pain, schedule an appointment with one of our affiliated pain management specialists here at National Spine and Pain Centers. With proper diagnosis and treatment, we can get you back on the road to recovery, enjoying life with less pain.